$39 a year

TagHound Plus - Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger


TagHound Plus - Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger

TagHound - The revolutionized extension that helps analysts debug their analytics and pixels, is getting an upgrade!

With ⭐️TagHound Plus⭐️ you'll get the revolutionary on-screen toast debugging plus other perks that already in the oven, only for TagHound Plus users🎁🎁🎁

If you want to experience the on-screen toast messages, just install the basic version and activate it by clicking the beam icon on top.

Please read before purchasing TagHound Plus

  1. In the pricing tier description, a "device" means browser-user. For example, if you want to use TagHound Plus on Chrome but for different user profiles, you need a separate license for each one of them. If you're using the Chrome and Edge, it's also considered as different users.
  2. If the extension detects uses that exceeds the license type, it will revoke the license without a refund. By honoring the agreement, you're supporting the entire analytics community🙏
  3. If you see a license verification error, or maybe an error regarding breaching license quota - please contact me.
Install TagHound for free

⭐️⭐️⭐️What is TagHound?⭐️⭐️⭐️

TagHound Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger is a browser extension which helps you validate your analytics tools implementation as well as ad network pixels and Google Tag Manager dataLayer events - all in one tool.

It works all the time for all the supported networks at once. In total, TagHound Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger supports 22 analytics and ad platforms, including Google Analytics 4 (and older versions) & Google Tag Manager (events and dataLayer viewer), to give you a holistic tracking and pixel analysis experience.

Just navigate to any page, open your DevTools panel (F12), or click the extension icon (less information) or upgrade to TagHound Plus and see it on-screen, and it will show you all your pixels and events, with a never-seen-before error validation (over 1200 validation rules🔥🔥🔥).

You can click on event to see all the data in a clear format, grouped by attributes.

TagHound Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger allows you to group events by type, performance and attributes.

You can RECORD your debugging activity while navigating through any website and even export the results.

TagHound Analytics/GTM/Pixel Debugger his all-in-one tool, giving you a clear high-level overview as well as detailed data harmonization between all networks.

TagHound Analytics debugger & Ad networks pixel helper features

⭐️ Read all supported pixels at once

⭐️Clear view of each pixel parameters, grouped into categories with over 1200 validation rules

⭐️ Filter pixels by type

⭐️ Record activity across page and export the results

⭐️ Group tags by type/ad network

⭐️Sort tags by execution time, network, etc.

⭐️ Exclude domains from being tracked by the extension to optimize performance

⭐️ dataLayer viewer

⭐️ You can change the dataLayer name (the default dataLayer will always be tracked)

⭐️ Google Tag Manager Assistant enhancements!

🔥 Sort tags alphabetically

🔥 Highlight tags fired multiple times

🔥Highlight tags with errors

🔥 Hide paused tags

And more features to come😎

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